Press & Dissemination

Dissemination on DaLiCo and Data Literacy by the DaLiCo team

Articles / Papers

Paper on measuring data literacy competencies, regarding governmental organizations

Ongena, Guido (2022): Data literacy for improving governmental performance: A competence-based approach and multidimensional operationalization, Digital Business, 2022, 100050:

Article on the increased need for data literacy education in higher education

Gläser, Christine, Spree, Ulrike (2022): Finding Access Points for Data Literacy: The Example of the ERASMUS+ Project DaLiCo (Data Literacy in Context). In: Kurbanoğlu, S., Špiranec, S., Ünal, Y., Boustany, J., Kos, D. (eds) Information Literacy in a Post-Truth Era. ECIL 2021. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 1533. Springer, Cham.

Article on potentials of digital teaching

Bandtel, Matthias, Gläser, Christine (2021): Potenziale Digitaler Lehre. In: Ebeling, Johanna; Koch, Henning; Roth-Grigori, Alexander (Hrsg): Kompetenzerwerb im kritischen Umgang mit Daten – Data Literacy Education an deutschen Hochschulen, p. 51-62. Edition Stifterverband, Essen 2021.

Article on impulses from the DaLiCo project

Ameis, Kristin, Gläser, Christine and Spree, Ulrike (2021): “„Put your data goggles on“ – Impulse aus dem DaLiCo-Projekt” Bibliothek Forschung und Praxis, vol. 45, no. 3, 2021, pp. 527-532.

Article on the search studies group at Hamburg University of Applied Sciences (HAW Hamburg)

Lewandowski, D., Sünkler, S., Schultheiß, S. et al. (2021): The Search Studies Group at Hamburg University of Applied Sciences. In: Datenbank Spektrum 21, 145–154 (2021).

Article on the experiences during the first DaLiCo Summer School

Kristin Ameis, (2021): „What makes us happy“ – Internationale Begegnungen im virtuellen Raum. In: API Magazin 2021, 2(1).

Article on Data Literacy in Teaching at the Department of Information

Christine Gläser (2020): Wer spricht die Sprache der Daten. In: API Magazin 2020, 1(2).

Presentations at Conferences

EAHIL 01-03.06.2022 Rotterdam, Netherlands

  • Görögh, Edit and Fazekas-Paragh, Judit (2022-06-02): Teaching data literacy in academic libraries.                   

BOBCATSSS 23.-25.05.2022, Debrecen, Hungary

ECIL 20.-23.09.2021, online

  • Gläser, Christine, Spree, Ulrike (2022): Finding Access Points for Data Literacy: The Example of the ERASMUS+ Project DaLiCo (Data Literacy in Context). In: Kurbanoğlu, S., Špiranec, S., Ünal, Y., Boustany, J., Kos, D. (eds) Information Literacy in a Post-Truth Era. ECIL 2021. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 1533. Springer, Cham:

Press // Articles about DaLiCo

Report on DaLiCo project

Report on the virtual Summer School 2020

Report on the virtual Summer School 2021

DaLiCo Summer School 2020 – Follow-up report

DaLiCo Team draws positive conclusion of the first Summer School “Doing Cool Things with Open Government Data”Within the framework of the three-year university project “Data Literacy in Context” (DaLiCo), the first Summer School took place in the last week of September with PhD, Bachelor and Master students from the partner universities of the project, organized by the University of Applied Sciences Hamburg (HAW Hamburg) in the team of Prof. Christine Gläser, project coordinator.During the English Summer School, four international teams dealt with the topic of Open (Governmental) Data. They developed their own data stories to complement and deepen the data of the World Happiness Report and put their outcome in relation to the topics of gender equality, crime and unemployment as well as geographical and national influences. The teams developed their own research questions based on the general question “what makes us happy”.Overall, the concept of closely linking normative and ethical aspects of data literacy with aspects of data management in the data life cycle and statistical literacy has been successful. All teams have incorporated the suggestions from the input of Andrea Conchado Peiro (statistician at the Unsiversitat Politècnica de València, Spain) into their data project to focus on the bias that lies in the data itself.


Dr. Marlies van Steenbergen and Cathelijn Timmers (Hogeschool Utrecht, The Netherlands) particularly raised awareness of ethical issues. They demonstrated tools and techniques that sharpen the view on controversial backgrounds when dealing with data and help to include basic ethical questions in the planning and design of data projects.

The successful composition of the teams further promoted competencies and enabled mutual learning. The decision to dispense with web tools for data manipulation and simple statistics, which hide the actual processes of data manipulation, proved to be exactly right with regard to the goal of promoting data competence and critical thinking.

On the other hand, the provision of Excel templates (e.g. for the creation of a new index) has taken away the fears of individual participants about statistics. Some teams focused on data research in their projects and used the templates for analysis. More ambitious teams have used other methods based on this template (nearest neighbour).

More difficult than expected has been the acquisition of the participants themselves. The DaLiCo team had assumed that they would have more applicants than places at a workshop with proven experts and coaching in small groups, which was free of charge for the participants. In fact, with the switch to the virtual environment and postponing into the fall, neither the university in Debrecen (Hungary) nor in Hamburg were able to find interested PhD students for the Summer School. In Hamburg, it was the university-wide distribution of the call that generated a broad echo and interest, especially among the group of international students. The other students – according to a preliminary interpretation – are obviously too involved in their respective courses of study, so that the benefits of extracurricular activities are not immediately apparent or the time available simply does not allow it.

Ultimately, a central goal of the DaLiCo project is to strengthen data literacy at the partner universities as a whole and to network activities. The results and experiences from the Summer School will be useful for future project activities. The HAW Hamburg team will also approach individual colleagues as well as  faculties and departments in the coming weeks. We are looking forward to your experiences and ideas on this topic.

The data stories developed during the Summer School can be read on the project website at

For members of HAW Hamburg the lectures and materials are accessible via an EMIL room. Interested parties* please contact

DaLiCo Summer School 2021 – Follow-up report

Data literacy is one of the most important “future skills” for students of all disciplines. The international university project “Data Literacy in Context” (DaLiCo) focuses on how data literacy can be promoted and taught in practice. In the last week of August 2021, the DaLiCo project held its second summer school with student participants from the project’s partner countries. This year it was organized by the HU University of Applied Sciences Utrecht (Hogeschool Utrecht) with a focus on the topic of health. Exciting lectures by data specialists, hands-on workshops with teachers from the DaLiCo project and joint work on data projects kept the international students intensively engaged from August 23rd to 27th. This holistic approach, which was already tested and implemented by the DaLiCo partners during the first Summer School 2020, proved successful again this year. The concept is to map the data life cycle and to actively run through it based on the data project, starting with the collection and acquisition of data, through the cleansing and preparation as well as statistical processing and data analysis, to the evaluation of the data. The visualization of the data is the final step and results in a final presentation of the data projects. For the realization of the programme and the individual content sessions, close cooperation was established with all DaLiCo partners from the Netherlands, Hungary and Spain, under the leadership of Dr. Guido Ongena, head of the research group Process Innovation and Information Systems at the Hogeschool Utrecht in the Netherlands. The competencies that the partner universities bring to the Summer School complement each other in terms of content and are a good example of successful collaborative projects in the CARPE network. This year’s focus on the domain of health enabled students to contribute their professional expertise and allowed for in-depth discourse. Data project topics ranged from what factors lead workers to seek help for mental illness, to risk factors for stroke, or signs of risk factors for diabetes. In addition to this in-depth content, the focus was on data literacy development with regard to topics such as machine learning, artificial intelligence and algorithms. The DaLiCo team was supported in this by Gaelle Caplier from the company Dataiku, which provided user accounts for its software. With this additional platform, both teachers and students had the opportunity within the Summer School to approach the extended topics of data exploration and analysis. Especially the easy access to the otherwise rather difficult technological topics was emphasized as positive by the participants of the Summer School. Despite the – pandemic-related – virtual format, the feedback from the students was again very positive and there was a productive exchange between all participants. Quote of one of the participants: “Thank you very much, it was a great opportunity to be part of this project. It was very informative and interesting.” A short vivid impression of the Summer School is given by the video em-bedded on the DaLiCo website. The data projects created during the Summer School can also be read on the project website at
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